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  • Welcome to Gloryland

    Nursery and Primary

    The huge number of parents wanting to send their children/wards for early education at Gloryland School is a pointer to the quality of education the school offers.

    Since her inception 38 years ago, we have earned ourselves a high reputation for consistently and relentlessly maintaining an enviable academic record and high moral standards. This is evidenced in the awards, laurels and prizes won by the school herself and the pupils.

    Our children have gained admission into exceptional secondary schools and colleges (including De-Gloryland College) in Lagos State and beyond – thanks to their well-developed personal skills, self-confidence and the best academic qualifications within their scope.

    In addition to the best academic and moral education of the children, excursions that broaden their minds and expand their knowledge, seminars and in-service training for staff, excellent administrative skills, exceptional work ethics, and a high level of discipline are a few of the factors that make Gloryland Nursery and Primary School the go-to school for parents and guardians.



    To set the international standard for education and raise confident and independent leaders who positively influence the society.


    To provide pupils with a well rounded, qualitative education necessary (for them) to maximize their potentials and become inspiring leaders.

    • Government Approved

      We are Approved by the Lagos State Government to operate. View the approval letter.

    • Skilled Teachers

      We employ the best experts in the educational sector to drive home our mission.

    • Book Library & E-library

      A place where we hope to inspire and create a long love of reading.

  • It is often said that education is the bedrock of an individual’s or societal growth and development.

    • Full Day Sessions

      We currently run a full day school session. School activities start by 7:30am to 4:30pm.

    • Online Classes

      Our students also have access to online learning portal.

    • School Complex

      Our school complex is a two wing structure and
      equipped with modern teaching equipment.

    • Sport Complex

      Our sporting facilities includes artificial playing turf,lawn tennis, basketball, volleyball, hand ball courts and table tennis.

    • Science Lab

      Teaching is synchronized with practical classes using up to date scientific equipment to facilitate teaching and learning.

  • We have been educating children for almost four decades. Our goal is to create a place that engages each child.


    • Spelling Bees.
    • Sports.
    • Excursions.
    • Cultural Day


    Our admission begins with Crèche through Primary Six. Our door is always open to admission through out the academic session.


    Our Nursery subjects cut across the following: Letter Work, Number Work, Social Habits, Health Habits, Civic Education, Food and Nutrition, Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA), Handwriting, Basic Science and Technology (BST), Physical and Health Education (PHE), Shapes and Colours, Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Speech Training, Picture Reading & Composition.

    Our Primary subjects cut across the following: Mathematics, English Studies, National Values Education (NVE), Pre- Vocational Studies (PVS), Basic Science and Technology (BST), Vocational Aptitude, Handwriting, Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Music, French, Yoruba, Diction/Etiquette, Information Technology (IT), Cultural and Creative Arts (CCA) & History.

    • Learning & Fun

      As rigorous as our curriculum are, we do our best to make the learning fun.

    • Healthy Meals

      Our students have access to healthy meal within the school compound.

    • Friendly Place

      The School environment is super friendly to the student.

    • Student Safety

      The safety of our student is at the top four heart.

  • See Our Photo Gallery!

  • Contact Us

    Our postal address and contact details
    • Postal Address

      – 3, Oremeji Street, Ejigbo, Lagos.
      – 8/10, Iyalaje Street, Behind NNPC Depot, Ejigbo, Lagos.

    • Phone & E-mail

      Phone 1: +2348038162055
      Phone 2: +2348065153068
      Phone 3: +2348086860918
      [email protected]

    • School Hours

      Monday – Friday
      6:45 am – 5:00 pm
      Weekend Closed